Call for Proposals 2023
This year’s conference brings together TESOL practitioners to share effective and/or innovative classroom practice and how it is informed by research into Language Acquisition or other TESOL areas. Please send us your proposals for conference contributions before 10th March.
Time & Location
01 Feb 2023, 19:00 – 10 Mar 2023, 19:00
Virtual event
About the event
NATESOL Annual Conference 2023 Call for Proposals
From theory to classroom practice and back again: What are we doing and why?
Saturday 13th May 2023
Online via Zoom
This year’s conference brings together TESOL practitioners to share effective and/or innovative classroom practice and how it is informed by research into Language Acquisition or other TESOL areas. By doing this, we hope to create connections within our community, enriching our understanding and experiences of English language teaching.
What are we doing? What are we doing well? Why? What does our good practice have to say to and for theory? And how do we use theory to help us understand and push our practice forward? In a world where our professional lives are so busy, this event will be a space for us to consider these questions together and take away practical suggestions.
Key themes
In this conference, then, we welcome presentations, workshops or posters which address the following broad themes:
● Course design (e.g. materials writing, collaborative planning, co-constructed curriculum).
● Approaches to active learning (e.g. participatory pedagogies, problem-based learning).
● Teaching strategies (e.g. genre-based approaches to texts, developing oracy skills).
● Inclusion and accessibility (e.g. providing for complex needs, approaches to differentiation).
● Integrated assessment (e.g. giving effective feedback, process-based approaches).
● Developing 21st century skills (e.g. sustainability, employability, digital literacies).
● Digital pedagogies (e.g. making use of technologies, online / hybrid teaching).
● Linguistic and culturally responsive teaching (e.g. multilingual classrooms, decolonisation).
● Approaches to research in education (e.g. exploratory practice, action research).
What to expect
The 2023 NATESOL conference provides an opportunity to share practice and meet fellow teachers in a friendly and open atmosphere. Once again, we have chosen to hold this event online in order to welcome people from both our local and global community. We also offer a range of mentoring for first-time speakers or for those who might feel unfamiliar with the online platforms. We are particularly keen to welcome teachers who would like to share good practice or ‘what we are doing’ as well as any practitioners who can also share ideas about ‘why’.
Formats for contributions
Live presentations
● Either 30 or 15 minutes long.
● For anyone wanting to share practice / research findings.
● We offer mentoring for first-time presenters.
● Please note, this is not a space for planned research or research in process (see Posters).
Pre-recorded presentations
● 15 minutes long.
● For anyone wanting to share practice/research findings.
● The recording will need to be shared with conference organisers before the event.
● The presenter will need to be available to participate in simultaneous chat discussions during the session.
● We offer mentoring for first-time presenters.
● Please note, this is not a space for planned research or research in process (see Posters).
Live workshops
● 45 minutes.
● For anyone who wants to interactively share and demonstrate their practice.
● We offer mentoring for anyone who may be unfamiliar with leading online workshops.
● Please note, this is not a space for planned research or research in process (see Posters).
● For anyone who is planning or in the process of conducting research.
● Posters will be shared on an interactive platform.
● We offer mentoring for anyone who needs support when designing an online poster.
● The researcher will need to be available to answer questions using a microphone and chat during the conference.
Deadline for the Papers:
● Please submit your proposal by the end of the day on Friday 10th March 2023.
● Submit your proposal by completing the online form at this link:
● If you have any questions or problems with your submission, please email and one of our volunteers will get back to you.
Conference fees:
● Speakers free; Members £2; non-member £5; Unwaged & students £2. (NATESOL is a not-for-profit organisation. This year, we are keeping our fees as low as possible due to the current economic climate).
● Volunteers: If you are interested in volunteering to help the committee prepare for and run this online event, please directly email by 2nd April 2023 for more details.
● Certificates of attendance: Free to members, speakers & volunteers; £5 for non-members.